Monday, July 20, 2020

Multiple Tags Search on

One of the Most important thing that a person is eagerly waiting to know is "How to search multiple tags on". It may look difficult to you but it is simple that any layman can understand.
To search multiple tags(say suppose --> anal & condom)
  • Type "anal" in the search box, after few seconds there will be a drop down List, select the "anal (female)" from the drop down list.
  • Afterwards, just start typing another tag as well "condom"in the search bar,again a drop down list will appear, select "condom (male)".
  • The Overall tag will look like --> "female:anal male:condom"
  • Similarly, you can add more tags in the search.

Result for "female:anal male:condom"

Manga Containing "female:anal male:condom" tags

Note: There is a space between anal and male in above context.

Kindly check the below video for more clear understanding

This Ends Multiple tag search in Hitomi.



  1. 100% accurate bro thanks its works

  2. Dude you are just life saver

  3. Unfortunately, there is no way to add multiple artists and create something like a "follower list"
