Monday, July 20, 2020

Default or Normal Searching on

Default Searching is most common way that most of people uses. The reason is because a person does not know what are the features or notations provided by the Respected site.
In case of "", the result of this search will be based on the Hentai manga name or the Artist search based on his input or If the there is a word that matches keyword.

For Example: Let's say, you just type a keyword or word "anata" in the Search Bar. So what will be the result?
So, in result, it will display all the manga's which contains "anata" keyword in it. It will check Artist name, Manga name, Japanese Manga name, Group name...

"anata" keyword

In the above image, you might be thinking that there is no "anata" keyword in the second Manga. So the blog post about Default search/Normal Search is Wrong/Fake??, You are wrong, it has "anata" Keyword in its Japanese Manga name.( You can check by hovering your mouse)

Where is "anata" in second manga

Kindly check the below video for more clear understanding

This Ends the "how Default search & Normal Search works in Hitomi?"



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